

?? Just few clippings since 2002.

?? "Sakura(Cherry blossoms)"

2018.03-CB-1 2018.03-CB-2 2018.03-CB-3

**Sakura(Cherry blossoms) are in full bloom normally from late March through early April in Tokyo.
Sakura starts to bloom almost five days before of full-bloom. Then full blooming continue almost
5 days. And they start to fall little by little. This beautiful "falling Sakura's petals" we call "Sakura Fubuki".
The scene of falling petals of Sakura is quite beautiful and emotional for Japanese.
It means that you can see Sakura's life(Cherry blossoms) is very short. This may be one of the reason
why Japanese likes Sakura very much because of good grace. ^0^ Another reason is when Sakura are
coming out, we feel that spring is coming together with Sakura.

?? The Funky Knuckles is famous funky jazz group in the States and they came to Japan in July 2017.(next subject)
This time guitar player of this group, Phill visited us again in Feb. 2018. It was nice surprise for us.^0^
He came to Japan for the marrige of his friend from his university period. So he had limited time but we went to Tsukiji Fish Market(the biggest fish market in Japan) in Tokyo. Between rail station to Tsukiji market, we passed Ginza street and Kabuki Theatre by walk.(Almost 35-40 minutes walk.) Not only in side of Tsukiji fish market itself, bu also we visited Tsukiji Jogai where is few small streets just of out side of Tsukiji fish market. Tsukiji Jogai has many of small stores mainly related with ocean-product and more. It is old and not so beautiful place(sorry ^0^) but seems like interesting place for foreiners. ^0^
He is big fun of Japan. So we, of course, went to eat Sushi at Tsukiji Jogai. And he ate not only tuna or salmon, but also sea urchin, ark shell fish, sea eel(conger?), sierra pickled with konbu(kelp) and so on. He likes these very much. ^0^

2018.02.24-Phill-1 2018.02.24-Phill-2 2018.02.24-Phill-3

?? The Funky Knuckles who are our old friends in DFW(Dallas-Fortworth) in TX in middle of July 2017.
One great news we've gotten from one of our friends Phill who is guiter player in this band, The Funky Knuckles.
That was the greatest news we ever had since we came back to Japan. Because we have many of friends in this group, The Funky Knuckles. Phill Aelony on guiter, Evan Weiss on trumpet, Ben Bohorques on tenor saxophone, Caleb McCambell on Key Boards and so on.
They played at Blue Note Tokyo two days, four stages, on July 15th and 16th. And Phill invited us wto days and we enjoyed a lot of them. Great great music. These two photos are from there Blue Note Tokyo.
Their music is kind of unique ones. Sounds like Brecker Bros., but not. They have their original expressions, complexities, rhythms, sensibilities and more. If you'd like to ask about them, I'd like to recommend to listen to their music first. Because there are more than what I have explained here.
We wanted to have nice lunch with them in Japan.(Because they had night sessions for two nights. So lunch was only chance we could eat something new Japanese cuisine for them.) But they were quite busy for their own sightseeing.^0^ Thye are young!!! ^0^ So we could go to lunch just one day with Phill. It was just too pity we could not.

Funky Knuckles at Blue Note Tokyo With our friends,  Funky Knuckles

??Close friends of Canada visit us in Japan, March 2017
Our close Canadian friends visited us from late March through early April in 2017. We really appreciate their friendship and were very glad to see them. They actually did very good to us during our stay in the States and they appear in two topics down of "Dear friend from Japan, Jul. 2013". ^0^ Because when we and our friend visited Seattle in the summer of 2013, they passed across of the border and came down from near Vancouver, Canada. And we visited several places of Seattle and took nice lunch and dinner together. These good memories are treasure of our life. Thank them.

This time they wanted to see Sakura which is cherry blossoms in Japan, and made all of schedules(time and the places) carefully since almost half years ago. But unfortunately Sakura came out almost one week later. So they could see Sakura just last two days at park of Ueno in Tokyo. But instead we visited Yokohama, Kamakura(almost 800 old city neaar from Tokyo), Kyoto and Osaka together. So we do hope that they were satisfied about this trip. ^0^

**Second day of this trip, we visited Japanese Emperor's palace in the middle of Tokyo. Weather was not so nice but not-rain. At the end of one day, we went very traditional style japanese restaurant, Gon-pach, which is very famous for the movie "Kill Bill".(We have another close friend who is Bill in the States. So sorrry Bill. ^0^) Our friend likes this movie, so he was excited of this place.

2017.03-Martin&Sopar-1 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-2 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-3

**Kyoto. Unforttunately Kiyomizu-dera("Tera" and "dera" means "temple" in Japanese) was under
construction for repairing. So we visited Kinkaku-ji("ji" means "temple", too), Ryoan-ji, Fushimi-inari
(--Red gates photo ; here is very famous Shintto shrine), Kenni-ji and others instead.

2017.03-Martin&Sopar-4 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-5 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-7

2017.03-Martin&Sopar-6 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-8 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-9

**We can see interesting old calligraphies and paintings including Fusuma-e and Byoubu(folding screen)-e
in old cities of Japan like Kyoto, nara and more. Few ones are here.("-e" means painting in Japanese.)

2017.03-Martin&Sopar-10 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-11 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-12

**In the season of Sakura(cherry blossoms), hotels of Kyoto are completely packed from almost one year
in advance, and became very expensive. But fortunately we could get very nice hotel which is Nikko-hotel
-Osaka located at Mido-suji in the middle of Osaka by helping of our friend. So we visited Shinsai-bashi
and Doton-bori, then ate Kamo-shabu which is shabu-shabu of duck. So we were easy mark visitors of
Osaka during our stay.(^0^ Joking. ^0^) But nice taste. ^0^

And then some, we could visit Osaka-jo(castle). These photos are from there. Nice beautiful castle, right? ^0^

2017.03-Martin&Sopar-13 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-14 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-15

**After Kyoto and Osaka, we came back to Yokohama. Then visited 800 old city Kamakura together. We saw old temples and big-Buddha there. ^0^

2017.03-Martin&Sopar-16 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-17 2017.03-Martin&Sopar-18

??Our farewell party

Before we left the States in November 2015, we had great great our farewell party at the gallery in mid.
of downtown Dallas. This beautiful gallery is belong to TVAA which is Texas Visual Arts Association.
Fortunately we had(still "have" ^0^) great friends who were director, assistant and best supporter of
this gallery. Jan, Jenny and Shari. They supported us very much for this farewell party. Thank them.
Also we had great support from our best friends, Rosanne, Bill, Lona, Steve, Andrew and more of course.

Farewell_Party-1 Farewell_Party-2 Farewell_Party-3

**Left; In the middle of preparation. ^0^
**Center; Our close friend Andrew lead jazz combo for us. Thank you Andrew. ^0^
**Right; Gradually many of musicians came and played for us. It was wonderful concert.(Oh no. It was
our farewell party. ^0^ ^0^)

Farewell_Party-4 Farewell_Party-5 Farewell_Party-6

**Left; Center is Jim who was a professor of famous university for jazz music for long time. We call him
"Father" because so many of students adored him like their father.
**Center; Transient free time for musicians in the middle of party time. Musicians were chatting about
music? About us?? We don't know it. ^0^ ^0^
**Right; Many of friends helped us for this party. ^0^

Farewell_Party-7 Farewell_Party-8 Farewell_Party-9

**Left; Musicians played special music for us. We felt sad and loneliness little bit. But nice music,
nice friends. We won't forget them forever. Thank you all. ^0^
**Center; Saxophone maddness. Our favorite style. ^0^ ^0^
**Right; From out side of gallery. You can see many of visitors. Thank you for all.

We had uncountable supports from jazz musicians in DFW(Dallas-Fort Worth and Denton area). Almost 30-35 jazz musicians and they played jazz for free for more than two hours. Our best friend Andrew led all music. Special thank you, Andrew. And thank you all the players Buddy, Chris, Quamon, two of Brad(^0^), Dave, Brian, Jeff, Pete, Melani, Ben, more and more. Also two of great classical music players from Dallas Symphony. We won't forget your help.

And much more. ^0^ ^0^ Many of art friends and some professors of mine from Northlake College. Even we need to leave Dallas, all are still great great friends and all are still great great memories. Thank you.

??Dear friend from Japan, Jul. 2013
Our dear friend Toru came to visit us again. This was second time for him to visit us during almost 17 years. We enjoyed not only DFW, but also Mt.Rainier in Washington State together this time. Unfortunately we could not get nice weather in Washington State this time(We were stoped at lodge of Mt.Rainier for one our and half because of thunder storm ^0^), but we had good memories in Seattle for Chifuly gallery and more. Nice time. ^0^

On the other hand, we had very nice weather in DFW(Dallas-Fort Worth area). We enjoyed jazz, wine, friends, shopping and swimming under the clear sky together. We do hope that he cloud enjoy real American life with us. Great visit of him. ^0^

2013.07-Seattle-1 2013.07-Seattle-2 2013.07-Seattle-3

**From famous Chifuly gallery.

2013.07-Seattle-4 2013.07-Seattle-5 2013.07-Seattle-6

**Left; In front of famous Pike market place in Seattle. Smoked salmon here is the best we think. Really good. ^0^
**Center; First Starbucks coffee shop. Started Starbucks from here.
**Right; At the seafood restaurant near from Pike market place. We enjoyed all of foods and wine also. Nice place to visit. ^0^

2013.07-Seattle-7 2013.07-Seattle-8 2013.07-Seattle-9

**Regrettably rainy Mt.Rainier. But fortunately we could get nice small hotel without any reservation. It was just lucky.

2013.07-Dallas-1 2013.07-Dallas-2 2013.07-Dallas-3

**Left; Infamous the assassination place of president Kennedy in Dallas. One of the worst history of the United States.
**Center; We had very nice weather in Dallas. So we enjoyed swiming pool of our house during day time for two days. ^0^ ^0^
**Right; City of Denton has UNT(University North Texas) which is very famous for jazz study.(Of course not only jazz,
but also they have very nice educations for classical music, science and more.) And during hiss visit, one of the restaurant has big band jazz led by Jim Rigs who was a greaat professor of UNT
for long time. And more. In this band players were all great like Jim of course, Chris, Peet, Cray on saxophone
Tony and Greg on trombone, Ron and Jack on trumpet, and Stefan(p), Lynn(b), Ed(d) on rhythm section.
Great great big band jazz from them. ^0^ ^0^ ^0^

Shelley at Free Man Eno's

?? Several new jazz spots came into existance in 2011.
One of them is Free Man. Almost all day, they have different and talented jazz group come into this restaurant. Shelley Carrol group, Michael Palma group, Ben Bohorquez group and so on.
Free Man is good Cajun cuisine restaurant. They serve, of course, great jambalaya, gumbo soup and some of spicy foods.
One of other is Eno's Pizza House in Oak Cliff where is located in south of Dallas. Just one day a week, every Tuesday, but great jazz trio plays hot jazz there. Piano player is Alan Jay Palmer who was a pianist of Jackie McLean until Jackie died. Bass player is Buddy Mohmed is not only one of great emotional bass player around this metroplex, but also a teacing stuff of Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. On drums, Andrew Griffith is one of very talented jazz player around this metroplex. and he is already in almost 50 CDs with several great jazz players.
Expanding jazz sphere is good for jazz fun like us.

Irving Art Center-2011 Jazz Festival in Dallas

?? Once a year, city of Irving host one of great art show around this area. In 2011, I've gotten 2nd prize of this show "Texas & Neighbors Regional Exhibition".---Left photo.
Almost 500 entries come in to this show every year, and juror select 80 arts from out of this 500, from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, to the show. Quite big art show around here.
So you can imagine how I was excited about this award. But this paintign was sold out my hand. Kind of lonely feeling because it was one of my favorite one. ^0^
One more good and feel lonely thing is that one of my best fanorite my painting "Jazz Festival in Dallas" was sold at another show.--Right photo. Of course I know painter shoud sell art works. But still feel sad. Do I need to get a grip on myself??? ^0^ ^0^ ^0^

Pool Repair-1 Pool Repair-2

?? One day we found two of 3" diameter black spots came out from side wall of swiming pool. Even we (of copurse my husband ^0^) rubed very hard this area several time, black spots didn't pale or disappear.
Then we made up our mind to fix this problem. First, we needed to pump out almost 20,000 gallons (aprox. 10 million liter) water from pool to avoid electric shock. Becuse we needed to use electric tools for this works.
After we dried up swiming pool for three or four days, we started to grind walls almost half inch deep. Then put epoxy resin to avoid water leak from grined area. Finally put white concrete on it. We thought this is whole precess of this work. But when we sprinkle few water around there, we recognised that wall color didn't match with original color.
Next we bought another resin (actually powder) to cover this area for matching the color, then put on. We thought it was all settled. But after few months, same black spots came from same point(one) and another (new place).
Honestly we feel that repair by amateur is not enough for these kind of difficult job?? ^0^ ^0^ Bad experience, but good experience, too. ^0^

Interview-1 Interview-2

?? Dallas Museum of Arts asked my husband and Bill who is one of close friend of us to take a commercial video at one of studio in Addison. (Of course they asked to not only them but also several people from Museum visitors.)
But one problem my husband had is he didn't know this recording would be made of interview style until video taking. Also he didn't know about keystone of this interview even till little bit after this recording. ^0^ ^0^
He was eagered to succeed about "more great jazz program at museum". Of course he felt something difference from his will after he arrived at studio. But he didn't want to regret to miss this opportunity to say his opinion about "jazz at museum". So he told me that he said everything he want to at the interview. It was funny story of my husband. (Sorry. ^0^)
After museum put this advertisement to YouTube, my husband said just one word "Yah" in 1 second. ^0^ ^0^ But good experience to both of my husband and myself.

2010 Bonen-Kai

?? We had home parties at our house since 2008 through 2013 at the end of each year. We called it "Bonen-kai"(Japan style "year-end party"). We had our very close friends and served several original Japanese foods, Japanese style Chinese foods, Italian and so on. Of course Sushi, Tempra. But also some of original Japanese Chinese foods, our original Italian pastas, and French, too.
Also my special dessert every year and wine and wine and wine a lot.
We spent great great time with our best friends at the parties every year. Good time and good memories.

Wynton Marsalis Eddie Gomez Monty Alexander

?? We had great time with great musicians. Wynton Marsalis, Eddie Gomez, Monty Alexander and more and more. Not only these great jazz musicians, but also great classical musicians like violinist Augustin Hadelich and conductor Jaap van Zweden. We became good friend with Eddie Gomez through his pianist Stefan Karlsson very fortunately. We were lucky.
Of course we have many of great classical and jazz musicians here in DFW. They are playing not only DFW area but also world wide.

DCCC Headquarters

?? DCCC(Dallas Community College Council) bought my the biggest painting "Life". We met councilor and his members at his office and hung my painting at the lobby of his office. This is big honor for me.

?? First volunteer experience at Sammons center. This was a time for World Wide Wine Tasting Party". They had not only American wine, but also European ones, South American and others. We served South American wines.
We were very stressed first 15 or 220 minutes.

Sammons Center-1 Sammons Center-2

?? There was a member show at Irving Art Center in August 2009. And I won the first place in this show from 150 art works. I painted 20 of North Texas jazz players in one painting with unique characters and unique technique of fluent music scene. This combination of two techniques is the first experience of my painting history. And still I'm looking for something new always.
**Left ; Irving Art center Award Ceremony
**Center ; Me and my painting which I've gotten first prize

IAC-2009 Award Ceremony IAC-2009 Painting

?? There was a solo exhibition at one of the art studio in Dallas on May 2nd 2009.
But same day, we had a terrible weather here in North Texas. Almost 60miles/hour wind and heavy rain hit us all. I'll let you know few example about this horrible weather. One of the big scene was the most famous American Football team, Dallas Cowboys' practice facility has been felt down by this wind.This facility has almost same size of Football field. So you can emagine how big it was. Several people were practicing in this dome, and few people injured by this accident.
So that, not so many people were able to visit this exhibition unfortunately. But great jazz piano trio Sam's Band (Sam, Ryan and Bo) played wonderful jazz at studio. And it was great experience and great show.
And special thank you for SOL Studio's member and visitors notwithstanding terrible weather on that day.
**Left ; Set up at SOL Studio.
**Center ; Reception
**Right ; Live Jazz at SOL Studio

Set up SOL Studio SOL Studio Reception Live Jazz at SOL Studio

**Left ; Dallas Cowboys Training Facility-1-May 2nd '09
**Center ; Dallas Cowboys Training Facility-2-May 2nd '09
**Right ; Neighborhood-Tree fell over-May 2nd '09

Dallas Cowboys Training Facility-1-May 2nd '09 Dallas Cowboys Training Facility-2-May 2nd '09 Neighborhood-Tree fell over-May 2nd '09

?? Here, I want to explain a little bit about jazz scene in Dallas, Texas.
Of course as you know already many good local band played jazz in live house, bar (see below at "Amsterdam Bar"), restaurant or even charch. But also the most great thing here is that we can hear great jazz more than that. For example, at Dallas Museum of Art, at personal house or even wine cellar. They are a lot of opportunities to listen to the jazz and classical music. This change our life gorgeously and happily. This must be true life, right??
**Left ; Shelley Carrol and Chris McGuire at DMA(Dallas Museum of Art) Jazz Night.
**Center ; Live Jazz at our friend's house in Dallas.
**Right ; Times Ten Wine Cellar.(Scott Bucklin on Piano, John Adams on Base, Mike Drake on Drums.)

DMA (Dallas Museum of Art) Jazz Night in Jan. '09 Friend's House Live Times Ten Wine Cellar

?? Just after new year's day, my art work has been started. I have three opportunities to attend at art exhibitions in January this year. First one is Oxide agallery in Denton. They are new gallery but also good gallery, good people. I like that. Second one is TVAA(Texas Visual Art Association) exhibition. This gallery is located in the middle of Dallas downtown. Third exhibition was at the Fine Art Gallery of Hilton Bella Harbor Hotel in Rockwall. This new hotel has great location, great view and great gallery. At the first reception day of this gallery, they had more than three hundred visitor for this show.
**Left ; TVAA (Texas Visual Art Association) Reception.
**Center ; Hilton Bella Harbor Hotel Out View.
**Right ; At the Reception of Hilton Bella Harbor Hotel.

TVAA Reception-2 Hilton Bella Harbor Hotel Hilton Bella Harbor-2

Amsterdam Bar-Nov. '08

?? Here is Ammmmsterdam Bar in Dallas, TX.
One of the most talented and famous jazz saxophone player, Shelley Carrol band plays music from 10:00 night every Mondays.
But this is the amazaing place to listen to the jazz music.
All players are very nice guys, and talented of course.(Shelley Carrol on Saxophone and Flute/Scott Bucklin on Keyboard/Jonathan Fisher on Base and Gary Granger on Drums.--But one of friend of ours, Buddy Mohamed was playing base instead of Jonathan on that day.)
I believe that here is one of the best place to listen to real hot jazz in Dallas, TX.

Duke Elington Band at Cotton Club Tokyo

?? Shelley Carrol is top tenor saxophone player in Duke Elington Band. He travels a lot not only in the U.S.A., but also worldwide.
Especially to Japan, he goes twice or three times a year.
This photo is from October '08 Live Concert at Cotton Club Tokyo.(This time, he had played not only at Cotton Club Tokyo for three weeks, but also one week in Nagoya, too.)
He kindly invited us for this show on October 24th.
One day in advance from this day, we took lunch together with Shelley and Marty Morell who was a drumer of Bill Evans Trio few years go back. They like very much Japanese Cuisine. Of course Sushi, Sashimi. Almost every foods from Japanese cuisine, they prefer very much. (Marty says that he have very often Sushi-Party with his friends in his house in Florida.)

?? There was a great great great jazz festival in Fort Worth in September 2008.
Of course many good local bands attended from morning to night for three days.
But the most greatest thing was that we could listen to the music from world-wide famous jazz musician like "David Sanborn Quartet", "Randy Brecker with Local Big Band(Even they said "Local Big Band, the members of this group was Extraordinary Super Luxury Member around North Texas Area.)" and "Lee Retenour Quartet" for free on a final day.
They are my and especially my husband's favotite musicians since long time ago back.
**Left; David Sanborn Quartet
**Center; Randy Brecker. (This local big band was also very wonderful and fantastic.)
**Right; Lee Retenour Quartet

David Sanborn Randy Brecker Lee Retenour

Merchel Ivery Memorial Live at Sandaga

?? Here's Sandaga Jazz House in Dallas had held the "Merchel Ivery Memorial Live" with splendid member in September '08.
Shelley Carrol who is a top saxophonist of Duke Elington Band on tenor-saxophone, Brad Leali who is a professor of University of North Texas on alto-saxophone, Internationally very famous Steve Turre from NY on Trombone, the most popular and busiest drummer in North Texas Andrew Griffith, Kelly Durbin on Piano and so on.
After intermission, Bernard Wright who use to be a member of Milse Davis Group for a while joined for this gig. Very nice jazz and special night.

?? Five friends of ours in Japan came to visit Chicago, Niagara Falls in September '08.
One of them is an architect. So that we visited many of buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago area, and ate great sea food like King Crab from Alaska and Lobster from Main at Shaw's Crab House, and very great prime rib at Chicago Chop House, too. Besides we didn't forget to visit signature room at John Hancock Building of course. So that we'd gotten at least few pounds weight from this trip. (Oops!)
Niagara Falls were magnificent. Huge amount of water coming from Lake Erie, and go through to Canada. Uncountable water falling every minutes, every seconds. Why Lake Erie doesn't have any water shortage problem?? This is my simple question.
**Left; Chicago Downtown (Near from Chicago Tribune and Chicago River)
**Center; Chicago Night View from Signature room(95th floor), John Hancock Building, Chicago
**Right; Niagara Falls from the boat "Maid of the Mist".

Chicago Downtown Chicago Night View Niagara Falls

?? I and my husband visited Las Vegas in May '08. It was my 6th visit to Las Vegas, and uncountable for my husband because of his business reason. (I believe. Joke.)
Almost once a two years, we visit Las Vegas and are surprised by new hotels. Almost every hotels in Las Vegas Boulvard has more than 3,000 guest rooms (some hotel has almost 8,000 rooms). And we enjoy many of atractions not only pay program but also free atractions like volcanic eruption at The Mirage, battle of pirates at Treasure Island, magnificence of fountains show at Bellagio and so on.
As everybody knows that Las Vegas used to be the biggest casino city. But they are shifting from just "casino city"(adult city) to synthetic city with casino and amusement city (for children & adults). Very gorgeously & beautifully city. We love Las Vegas to visit.
**Left; Hotel New York/New York
**Center; In side of Hotel Venetian (Unbelievablly this is the in side of the building.
**Right; Night view of Hotel Bellagio's water show & Hotel Paris.(From terrace of Hotel Bellagio.)

LV-NYNY LV-Venetian LV-Bellagio & Paris

?? There are many Art Festivals in spring every year around here.
One of these photo is from the art festival of City of Southlake. And two of them are from Fort Worth Festival.
Almost of this season, we have always fine days, and enjoying not only fine arts and fine food, but also very nice music from local band. Jazz, country, rock'n'roll. But they are always good musicians.

Southlake Art Fest. '08 To Fort Worth (DART) Fort Worth Art Fest. '08

??Grand Circle, August 2006
This is second time we visited Grand Circle. First time, we drove from El Paso. Second time was from Dallas.
Second time, we drove almost 3000miles this time. Dallas - Amarillo - Santa Fe(we chose this way) -
Flugstaff - Grand Canyon - Lake Powell - Bryce Canyon - Arches - Monument Valley - Mesa Verde.
Please do not say how we were greedy. ^0^ But yes, we were greedy. We are realised it after this trip. ^0^
But surely you can see how marvelas our earth is here. Everything were terrific and everything astounded us.
NPs in the States teach us how marvelas the working of nature is.

**No words. This is the "Grand Canyon NP".

2006.08-Grand_Canyon-NP-1 2006.08-Grand_Canyon-NP-2 2006.08-Grand_Canyon-NP-3

**We passed just beside of lake Powell and visited "Bryce Canyon NP".
We didn't go down to the bottom of this canyon. But so many of huge rocks are standing like soldiers.^0^

2006.08-Bryce_Canyon-NP-1 2006.08-Bryce_Canyon-NP-2 2006.08-Bryce_Canyon-NP-3

**After almost two hours works from bottom of this places, this is "Arches NP".
As the name implies, many of rock-bridges there. You can see how huge they are. First photo, I was
standing almost 50m far from "Delicate Arche". Then second one, you can see my husband. He was
just bottom of this arch. Now you know how huge these arches(rock-bridges) are. ^0^ ^0^

2006.08-Arches-NP-2 2006.08-Arches-NP-3 2006.08-Arches-NP-4 2006.08-Arches-NP-5

??Mt.Rainier and Seattle, End of July in 2005
Mt.Rainier. We have three of our the most favorite places to visit. Yellowstone/Grand Teton, Grand Circle
and this Mt.Rainier. Why Mt.rainier is because so many difference from the middle of mountain to top of it.
"Paradise" is famous for so many of wildflower meadow and hikes among these beautiful flowers.(See photos)
And top of mountain, they have great glacier. Huge contrast of flowers and ice(glacier). No other place
like this I believe. I heard this glacier is the second largesst one in North America.
According to people who lives there told us that the best timing of wildflowers is just one week of the year.
So you can see how we were very lucky because we visited the best timing which is the end of July. ^0^

2005.07-Mt.Rainier-1 2005.07-Mt.Rainier-2 2005.07-Mt.Rainier-3

**Mt.Rainier, hike road and wildflower meadow.

2005.07-Mt.Rainier-4 2005.07-Mt.Rainier-5 2005.07-Mt.Rainier-6

**Left;A man whom I don't know(^0^). **Center & Right;At wonderful small hotel there.

2005.07-Mt.Rainier-7 2005.07-Mt.Rainier-8 2005.07-Mt.Rainier-9

**Left & Center;Second day of Mt.Rainier. **Right;At the central of Seattle.

??North CA Trip
We visited Redwood National Park, San Francisco, Napa and Yosemite NP in August 2004.
Our first stay in the States from 1995-1999, we visited many of cities in the U.S.A. NY, Boston and so on.
But after several years, we realized that the most wonderful places in the States belong to in the nature.
So we were trying to visit many of NP(National Park) and nature in the US.
Also we like wine.^0^ So one of the best place to visit for us is North CA, like Napa and Sonoma area.

2004.08-Redwood-1 2004.08-Redwood-2 2004.08-San_Francisco_Bay

**Left & Center;Redwood National Park.(Huge redwoods ^0^) **Right;Beautiful San Francisco Bay Area.

2004.08-NapaWinery-1 2004.08-NapaWinery-2 2004.08-NapaWinery-3

**Visited several winery. **Center;Grape field from winery. **Right;My husband was tasting some wine.

2004.08-Yosemite-1 2004.08-Yosemite-2 2004.08-Yosemite-3

**Great Yosemite NP. We visited in August. But one of park-ranger said that late spring must be more
beautifle because they have more water in the rivers and falls.

??Grand Teton and Yellow Stone, August 2002
This was second time Yellow Stone and Grand Teton for us. As you know Yellow Stone NP is first
national park in the world. So you know how wonderful this place is.
We think that Yellow Stone has four faces. If I remember correctly(^0^) south-east side has
beautiful lakes and peaceful nature. South-west has wonderful and calm streams(small rivers)
and big-nature "geysers". There are many of terraces at north-west side. And many of animals
in north east. Also Grand Teton. If I remember correctly(again?? ^0^) these mountains came down from
Canadian Rocky mountains. Beautiful mountains, lakes, flowers and many of hiking trails weaves
perfect nature world.
Then if combines Yellow Stone and Grand Teton, you can imagine how wonderful world here is.

2002.08-YS-1 2002.08-YS-2 2002.08-YS-3

**Great geysers. If I remember correctly almost 70% of geysers of the world are located in Yellow Stone.

2002.08-YS-4 2002.08-YS-5 2002.08-YS-6

**They said these kind of hot springs as "pool". Very clean hot water but different colors because of different
kind of bacterias.

2002.08-YS-7 2002.08-YS-8 2002.08-YS-9

**Diffrent faces of Yellowstone. Terraces, water falls and so on. So many of interesting things in Yellowstone.

2002.08-YS-10 2002.08-YS-11 2002.08-YS-12

**Many wild animals. Bisons of course, black bears, mooses, wolves, coyotes, elks and more and more.
Especially bisons walks on the road without any fears. If we meet them on the road, scary. ^0^

2002.08-Grand_Teton-1 2002.08-Grand_Teton-2 2002.08-Grand_Teton-3

**Left; One of photo from few our two shot. ^0^ ^0^
**Center; Famouse cabin foe the movie ""Shane".
**Right; Hike road.(We didn't meet anybody during hiking. Beautiful but scary hiking because of
many wild animals. ^0^)

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